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Sportin' Life

"Without religion's insight that human beings are essentially flawed, we lose all checks on our hubristic pride."

Of course there's nothing hubristic at all about having a close personal friendship with the Supreme Being of the universe, is there?

joeeeel cabrrrrita

was up, mo' fo'? we iz jus' chillin' and see you DISSIN' our homey nik

joeeeel cabrrrrita

was up, mo' fo'? we iz jus' chillin' and see you DISSIN' our homey nik

Liturgy: worship and spirituality

Certainly you are right - those who follow spirituality can appear inconsistent. There are many problems in being a theist. But there is a different set of problems for those whose faith is that the material world is all there is. The belief that we are free (or were the words you typed above all predermined and you had not the slightest choice whether you used "claims" or "claimed"?) The generally-accepted belief in (at least limited) free will in such things runs totally counter to the belief that we are merely the sum of particles - all following the laws of physics. And don't retort that physics now has randomness at the quantum level - for that particles move randomly is not free will either!



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